2011年6月6日 星期一

Annie 姊妹五月份的信息和感想(2)

by H.Y. Tsai May 30,2100

On the first of every month, Our Lord gives Anne a new message about His call to service.
May 1, 2011

Dearest apostles, I speak to you today with a heart filled with love. I am grateful for your steady service. I am grateful for your fidelity to My plan for Renewal. If there is something that is keeping you from total abandonment to My cause, I will show you. Will you accept My light? Will you allow Me to direct you to even greater holiness? I want this for you. I want you to make additional gains in holiness. Perhaps you are afraid of this because you fear I will ask you to give more than you can give. I assure you, dear apostles, I will not ask you for anything you cannot give to Me. I will ask you to serve Me in a reasonable manner that is consistent with the gifts I have given to you. What I am urging you toward is greater intimacy with Me and with My heart. My heart beats with love for humanity in an uninterrupted beat. The rhythm of My beating heart provides you with a steady source of zeal for the spread of the gospel message. Too many of God’s children are without hope. This lack of hope brings them to actions that hurt themselves and others. There is no need for this, dear apostles, and you can change the experience of many if you do as I ask. You will have to be alert in order to hear My instructions, though, and it is for this reason I call you to concentrate on what is good about your life. I call you to concentrate on what I am seeking to do through you. Be at peace. I will help you in everything and, together, we will offer the Father the gift of your ongoing conversion.







星期六聚會時,我剛好看到腓立比書,"1:9-11 我為你們禱告的是:你們的愛心會不斷地跟真知識和判斷力一齊增進, 使你們能夠選擇那最好的。這樣,在基督再來的日子,你們會純潔無可指責. 你們的生活會充滿著憑藉耶穌基督才能有的仁義果子,來榮耀讚美上帝。"

